Hello!! My name is Yui :) This is the first article of this blog!! dokidoki...
Today, I talk about is "My Canada life".

I'm student. I live in Canada for to study English.This life is very exciting!! I have first experience for me.
← This is advertising of Canadian beer.
My host family has four person and two exchange student. Host family has two children of girl and boy. Her name is stella. She is seven years old. She really loves sheep. Him name is marcus. He is 5 years old. He really loves Giraffe. They are active children!! It's fun hanging out with them, but I feel tired a little :-P
I went to Night Market in Richmond with friends on last week. There were many food of world. I ate Takoyaki and Chicken and Candy of fresh strawberry. Takoyaki is Japanese food. It was very good!! I wanna go to Night Market again!!
Night of this day, Sky train was stopped because Water front station is flood in water. It was very hard to return, but an accident is good memory for me. lol
I came to Canada, and two months passed, but I can't speak English well. I want to become able to speak English. I have to study English hard!!